d物業地產 / 車位dorrisleung

Premium offices, coworking space and meeting rooms available, accommodating from 1 to 50 people, from HK$7,500/month. 世服宏圖在國際金融中心二期提供設備完善的辦公室、共用工作空間及會議室租用服務,可容納1至50人,每月港幣7,500元起。

Premium offices, coworking space and meeting rooms available, accommodating from 1 to 50 people, from HK$7,500/month. 世服宏圖在香港會所大廈提供設備完善的辦公室、共用工作空間及會議室租用服務,可容納1至50人,每月港幣7,500元起。

Premium offices, coworking space and meeting rooms available, accommodating from 1 to 50 people, from HK$6,000/month. 世服宏圖在國際金融中心二期提供設備完善的辦公室、共用工作空間及會議室租用服務,可容納1至50人,每月港幣6,000元起。

不論 商業 或 住居 空間 都有豐富經驗資源 助你實現 繁荣既生意 ,舒適既居所 www.sekkeimugen.com

派對場地擁1200呎空間,同時可容納超過40人,有超靚打卡位,岩曬男神女神上黎打卡呃LIKE! 基本野有齊: 唱K,board game,switch,ps4,射箭,小型羽毛球乒乓球,錠標,麻雀,啤牌,即影即有,砌高達,投影機等設備。

同未婚夫book左出年2020年3月14日(星期六+白色情人节)Hyantt Regency酒席,但因為想係外地結婚所以想轉讓。價錢比2年前仲要抵,日期靚,仲要酒店Event Planner送左總統套房比我地出門用,大家都知道Hyantt Regency企得好硬好少有野送,如果唔係計劃有變都唔想放出黎。有意wtsapp 93226617。

我們為客戶實現一站式的專業服務方案,包括 :設計(開幕儀式、場地怖置)、音響燈光設備、舞台背景製作 、印刷品及紀念品等......活動策劃|舞台佈置|燈光音響|婚宴設備|活動策劃|舞台佈置|燈光音響|婚宴設備|活動策劃|舞台佈置|燈光音響|婚宴設備|活動策劃|舞台佈置|燈光音響|婚宴設備|活動策劃|舞台佈置|燈光音響|婚宴設備|活動策劃|舞台佈置|燈光音響|婚宴設備|活動策劃|舞台佈置|燈光音響|

CHANz PHOTOGRAPHY 香港專業攝影師 人像攝影 婚禮攝影 企業攝影 宴會攝影 活動攝影 產品攝影 食物攝影 Portrait Wedding Event Product Food Party Photography

skywalk specialized in different industries such as automobile, fashion, telecom, IT, business consultants, medical, entertainment, Model Management and event management, retail, food & beverage, ed

We offer our Tin Hau office space to share with interested parties .

近地鐵, 2-6人獨立office, 月租一間房只需$7500起WIFI設備水電全包; 位置方便,由佐敦港鐵站步行只需2分鐘; 獨立冷氣,設備完善,有會議室有pantry有common area; 全新裝修,可即時搬入,即租即用; 24小時出入. 開揚靚景
O物業地產 / 共用工作空間Owl Square Co-working Limited

HK Wedding Band / Live Band: Professional Event Music Planner, Musicians, Singers (Filipino & Local), Backup Vocalists & Audio Engineers; Plays Jazz, Blues, Pop, Samba, R&B, Dance and Classical music.
結婚 / 婚禮演奏Deans Live Music

HK Wedding Band / Live Band: Professional Event Music Planner, Musicians, Singers (Filipino & Local), Backup Vocalists & Audio Engineers; Plays Jazz, Blues, Pop, Samba, R&B, Dance and Classical music.
結婚 / 婚禮演奏Deans Live Music

想令Event 更精彩?即刻聯絡小怪獸噴槍紋身啦!噴槍紋身可以讓活動充滿歡樂,我們提供暫時性紋身服務專為活動而設,務求令所有人都可以盡情玩樂!活動當天於身上噴上大型圖騰既型又有特色,為你打造不一樣的活動。小怪獸噴槍紋身提供無痛紋身服務,顧客可預先訂造自定圖案,設計師會為你設計你的專屬紋身圖案。
l表演藝術 / 表演藝術優惠littlemonstertattoo

Introduction and event planning for Single HK residents

The office will be shared with another independent agency. You will have 1-4 desks and storage space. We prefer people who are in the fields of tutoring, strings teaching, consulting, writing and some
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